Now listen carefully i am a vary weird and if something doesn't go my way i am a baby about it so here i go! What can i say, i'm obsessed with the Eric and Sookie angle and stopped watching around season 4 episode 9. But hell every one was telling me they break up and then i did something bad!! I know most of you will hate me for stopping there but there love is amazing, why should it end? Bills a liar and in my eyes a trader! He said he loved her then went sleeping around on her when she was in fairy land but Eric never gave up! He surprised me and then he lost his memory and became even more lovable not just because he was sexy but because he was to sweet! Oh yeah back to the bad thing i looked at the books ending just to see if my hopes came true but instead all i found was disappointment. I mean how could you do that to Sookie writer. RAWR!! So i wont give the ending away but i was crushed!!! i guess the tv show may not end like the book but still just the thought of it kills me!!! Whuf calm down!! Sorry but this show was incredible at first, i mean it had every thing i love! But somethings just feel to right to ignore and to me that was Sookie and Eric!!! they were wonderful and sure if i kept watching im sure they are both happy in the end but i am not nor will i ever be about this but what do you guys think about it??? And no spoilers but if you do mark it so you don't ruin it for others ok!! And remember we all feel what we feel so don't judge others for disagreeing with you!
Some pictures and videos for your viewing pleasure!
I have a passion for art and just want to share that passion with the world! From photograph to drawing, panting, collage, and any other form of art and to share it with you! So follow me as i discover more and more beautiful art in this world!